Indianapolis MPO
Many different organizations work every day to co-create a better Indy. The Destination Vision identifies implementation partners that are actively working with TTI to advance each of the plan’s actions. An implementation partner has agreed to help collaboratively make the action a reality. In addition, the Destination Vision recognizes many additional co-creators who are independently working on community projects and initiatives that, while not directed by the plan, align with its actions. These co-creators have no formal relationship with TTI or the Destination Vision, and their work is included here to celebrate their accomplishments.

Destination Vision Actions
Lead Partner
None availableSupport Partner
None availableRecommended Partner
Supporting Community Projects
White River Regional Opportunity Initiative (READI): The White River Regional Opportunity Initiative is a regional collaboration of Hamilton, Madison, and Marion – and eight communities: Anderson, Carmel, Fishers, Indianapolis, McCordsville, Noblesville, Westfield, and Zionsville to participate in the State of Indiana's READI grant initiative. Using the White River and connectivity as themes, the collaboration seeks to fund quality of place, quality of life, and quality of opportunity investments..
This project supports the following actions: 11A: Economic Leadership 8A: White River
This project supports the following actions: 11A: Economic Leadership 8A: White River
Central Indiana Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy: A Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is a regional economic development strategic plan to guide economic prosperity and resilience for a region and is used by the U.S Economic Development Administration and others to guide investments..
This project supports the following actions: 11A: Economic Leadership
This project supports the following actions: 11A: Economic Leadership